Journey to Hanoi 2
On Part one in Hanoi so Adventure for us , Now a stories continued 2 days next. 25 July 2017 Refresh in a morning but have accident in our a water not flowing. Only our room we can do anything calling to front office, she will send services check and clear problem with tap water. between that she will open new room for us get a shower. she clear problem and promise a water flowing when we get back from trip today. good service mind 👍 In lobby a breakfast wait for us. we are enjoy eating now and forget a problem 10 minutes ago. Now we are ready for trip today, on plan today we are go to Ha Long Bay but canceled cause strom coming ,then today we are change a plan go to Ho Chi Minh Mausolium and walk around. We are get taxi from Hotel to Mausolium. Cheap and fast not to far but lazy for walk and lose a way again 😂. Ho Chi Minh Mausolium Presidental Palace One Pillar Pagoda Ho Chi Minh Museum ...